Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend Bits

Last week we started settling into a new routine, getting used to Didz's new work schedule and the demands that come with it. I endured my first week as a stay at home mom without an extra set of hands around to help out or give me a five minute break. It was trying at times. There were tears. There was a pint of ice cream. There was a bottle (or two) of wine. There were long hours. And even longer days. I questioned my decision to put my career on hold to care for the baby. I worried I wasn't cut out for this motherhood thing after all. But as is the case with any transition, the new way of doing things eventually becomes routine. We're getting there... and already looking forward to Didz's retirement when we can spend our days together again.

But until then, we'll take advantage of our weekends together. Our favorite morning ritual, involving lattes, muffins, a beach blanket, some dolphins and an empty, quiet beach at 8am was definitely the highlight of this past weekend...

The other highlight (not pictured) involved a fabulous few hours free of mother/wife duties... and mani/pedis... and sangria... and my friend Mia. Thank you Didz, for giving me the afternoon off. Thank you Mia, for joining me in a little pampering and unwinding.

Here's to a new week... and smooth transitions... and new routines... and sangria. Lots and lots of sangria.

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