Friday, August 2, 2013

Grampa Al and a Hootenanny

Lately (say, the last 9.5 months), time has been such a blur. This morning I was talking to my mom while out for a walk with the bug, and she asked what time it was here in California... I hadn't the slightest clue - was it 7am, or noon? I didn't even know what day it was. And I'm completely shocked that July ended without my knowing...

So, while I can't tell you when exactly these next events took place, they occurred sometime in recent memory, and they were wonderful.

An afternoon of music, food, beer and laughter with my dearest childhood friends...

And a quick visit with Grampa Al while he was in California for work...

Now that I've figured out it's Friday, I'm looking forward to the weekend! We'll be seeing some friends, spending time outside (I still can't get enough of this beautiful weather... not too hot, not too cold, it's juuuust right) and maybe, just maybe, staying up late to watch a movie after the bug goes to bed.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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