Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekend Bits

Annie was here this weekend! Yay! Annie! She gave Didz and I a much needed break and entertained the bug for hours, we sipped lattes and wine, we talked about life and plans, we took some walks, we had a super amazing Mama's Day Out lunch with our dear friend Allyson (involving delicious food, and even more delicious drinks).... and as if all that didn't make for a super duper weekend, we topped it all off when I smacked John Cusack in the face with a door leaving our favorite dessert shop. Yes, you read that right. John Cusack - Number 1 in my All Time Top Five Celebrity Crushes. In my defence, my super handsome hubby and mega cute baby were just on the other side of the glass door and I was so distracted by them, I didn't even notice my celeb-crush next to them.... sigh... Sorry John. I'm still your #1 fan, even if you didn't respond to our apologetic, wine-fueled tweet that night. 

Unfortunately, I was having SO much fun, that I didn't take out my camera a single time... So here's just a few photos I snapped with my iPhone:

Thanks for coming to play, Annie! We miss you already! Iny loves you!!


  1. Ummmmm, John Cusack?!??! Maybe awkward encounter, but awesome story.

    And I love Ina's little hairclip!!!

  2. The best weekend! So happy to have you guys back in California!! Miss you three little dears (and Lloyd Dobbs) already! xo

  3. i think i want annie to rear my children
