Thursday, October 24, 2013


Last night, Didz had to work late, so Iny and I had a little girls' night with Auntie Allyson. We opened a belated birthday gift, had a sushi feast, and then, once the bug was in bed, we drank wine and baked Pumpkin Whoopie Pies. It was just the kind of evening I needed to give myself a bit of a mid-week re-boot after a long day alone with a cranky, teething baby.

Thank you, Allyson, for coming to keep us company, for the good long chat over a good glass of wine, for sushi and whoopies, and of course, for one of the most perfect gifts the bug has ever gotten...


  1. I would like to replicate all of this when I come visit. Minus cranky baby stressin mama out.

  2. i had SO much fun! it was my pleasure to have ina think every thing i said was funny and amazing...i will cherish it. and auntie stella, this is SO happening when you come visit!! #inasbiggestfans xoxo

  3. pumpkin whoopee pies sound like the most wonderful thing in the world.
